Global experience and local knowledge

Environmental, Cultural and Socio-economical Studies and Impact Assessment

Socio-environmental Projects Assessments and Independent Audits

Technical Reports for Environmental Licensing

Intersectorial Dialogues Facilitation and conflicts mediation

Since 2015 we have been working on projects for several national and international clients and partners of different sizes and market segments, such as: NGOs, public institutions and companies from the financial, electric, pulp and paper, mining, consulting sectors, among others.
In the scope of the Environmental, Cultural and Socio-economical Studies:
• Socio-economical study to compose the Technical Identification and Delimitation Report (RTID) of Quilombola Communities. • Traditional Quilombola Communities Characterization Study. • Development of tools and impacts and environmental risks assessment (IFC Performance Standards) to implement ecological restoration projects, with economical use, associated with the implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA). • Socio-environmental studies and stakeholders perceptions assessments about the risks and opportunities in the fishing activity due to new financial investments in the meridional Amazon region. • Where: SC, BA, ES, SP, MT, CE, MA.

In the scope of the audit results evaluation, we highlight the following:
• Performance Evaluation of the Traditional Indigenous and Quilombola Communities Strengthening Program in the Karib ecological corridor in the Brazilian Amazon. • Evaluation of the preliminary results of the Sustainable Territories Program. • Participation in independent auditing projects for FSC certification. • Where: PA, SP, PR, BA, RS, SC, ES, MG.

In the scope of the intersectorial dialogues facilitation, we highlight the following:
• Strategic Planning to create the intersectorial Consortium of the Porto Velho Mais Sustentável Program: mapping and engaging with stakeholders; developing the stakeholders Communication and Relationship Program; developing and implementing the Governance system; fundraising. • Support to the Dialogue Forum for Indigenous People and Companies carried out in partnership with TNC Brasil and the Bipartite Steering Committee, with the participation of indigenous organizations and companies of different economical sectors. • Where: RO, SP, PR, RJ.